Friday, August 4, 2000
6:35 am- I'm in the tent writing. Yesterday we were hiking. It is crystal clear today. Resupply day!! Yea! Friends and food. We just gotta climb out of this canyon.

Morning dawned crisp, cold and clear. but my mind was stuck on the term "auto necrosis." It was a dream. A bizarre and vivid dream. [Click the term to read the gory details.] Thankfully, the day was gorgeous, so I didn't dwell on it long.

We couldn't have asked for better weather. Well, that's not true. We DID ask for it. And often. We just didn't expect it. We packed up all of our stuff (aside from a perfectly new Sun Shower, which is still hanging on the tree branch) and headed down to Vidette Meadow. From there we made the ascent to the Kearsarge/Bullfrog Basin. Steep but lovely. Then along the high trail to where it meets the final stab to the pass. Mom took shelter from the hot sun, but restless and impatient, I made the hot steep trek up to the pass to look for our resupply team. Keir, Joy and Dad were on their way up from Onion Valley, laden with goodies.

Just shy of the crest of the pass I chatted with a British couple on their way to Sonora Pass. A long way away. Nice people. Then I stepped up to the pass, where Joy was already waiting. Keir, apparently, had gone back down to assist Dad, who labored under the weight of his pack, made a few pounds too heavy by TWO bottles of wine!

Later- It took from 9:30-11:00- but it wasn't not too bad. Much of the trail was in the shade. We rested awhile at the junction, then hiked toward Kearsarge Pass. We stopped at one meager water source. Will had a headache so we waited awhile, then headed up to Kearsarge Lakes junction. Will went on without a pack while I rested in the shade. Chase, Keir and Joy, our resupply team, arrived on top about 2:00. Each carried about 40-55#. Fried chicken for lunch! We set up camp at the far end of Kearsarge Lakes, near the bear box. I washed up, Chase fished. we had a lovely dinner of chicken fajitas with cheese, salsa, green peppers and onions. I wish Keir and Joy didn't have to leave tomorrow - it is fun with them here. Everybody is beat from the altitude, though. Will may go back to our last camp to retrieve the sun shower that we left.

Campsite in the trees

From left to right: Joy, Will and Keir

Wine and Food

A pile o' food. Notice the Eberle Zin

Map reading

Chris and Chase


Joy Russo

Don't mess

Keir looks friendlier than this in real life

Will 'n' Keir

Will poses. Keir drinks.

So now we're at Kearsarge Lakes. I suffered a nasty headache so I missed an opportunity to get cleaned up. But tomorrow's a layover day (very illegally so, I might add since the camping limit is only one night!) so I'll be able to wash off then.

Kearsarge Lakes

Looking East

view north

Kearsarge Pass

Keir and Joy have gone off to bed. Dad and Mom still murmur in their tent. I'm going to read some more Maugham.

And maybe...just maybe, I'll tomorrow I'll go back and snag that solar shower.


Dinner time