Saturday, August 5, 2000
Kearsarge Lakes. This Saturday was so lazy, I don't make
a journal entry. Keir and Joy leave in the morning. The rest of us pretty
much laze about, keep a low profile and enjoy the fine weather. We sort
food. Sort clothing. And repack food canisters to the bursting point.
Our next leg is more than eight days in length, so every grain of rice

Keir and Joy on the lakeshore

Putzing around at the bear lockers

Keir and Joy in red
6:55 am- Chase
is fishing. I just got up and am now back in the tent. Occasional winds
but not too cold. Crystal clear. Fitful sleep- Used my earplugs toward
the morning but it was nice cuddling with Chase. Big breakfast burritos
and banana bread. Then we spent an hour going through food. Keir and Joy
started packing and left about 10:30. I felt very sad seeing them leave-
I wish they could've spent an extra day. I'll see him in a week from tomorrow
at Florence Lake for a resupply. I watched their progress up the pass
from lakeside, then did laundry and warmed up., washed hair, lounged,
ate tuna on a bagel, read, watched Chase fish. |
Fishing. This pretty much sums up Chase's day.

A low-energy day

A beautiful sunset

Chris saves her strength for tomorrow
it's almost 5 pm. Last night was so jolly. Today's been subdued but nice.
Chase and I turned in around 8 pm and slept fairly well. |