Welcome to the home page of the John Muir Trail. Here you'll find pictures maps, advice and journals of a pair of JMT hikers. We've done the trail twice, once from the South to the North and once in the other direction. We've taken lots of pictures. We've written a few hundred words, and it is the aim of this site to let you leaf through all of that using a simple, fun interface. This site has been long in development, and since it's a labor of love, it is therefore subject to time constraints. Feel free to explore, and be sure to drop us a line if you have any questions or comments!
map equipment food words links news

The heart of the site, this interactive map is where is all begins. Explore the thirteen key segments of the John Muir Trail and read our notes about them.

A comprehensive list of all the equipment we've carried on our journeys,including notes on each item. And coming soon, many pictures as well.

How to pack food for a month on the trail. This is the last of the sections under construction, so we'll have to wait a little bit longer, but we're working on it.


A collection of thoughts written on the trail. Currently, this page only includes the second JMT venture, in 2002. For journal entries from 2000, click the "old site" link below.

Also under construction, this will be exactly as it sounds--a collection of links to cool JMT, Sierra and wilderness places on the web.

Check in here for ongoing updates on site news, to see what's new and to check out cool places we've come across in our www travels. Created in a blog style, this recent addition to the site includes commenting!